Why Celebrate?

Locally, “Balik Kampung” literally means ‘back to the village’ in Malay. Figuratively, it means to return home, back to our roots.
 - GUI, 10.10.10
As part of a larger event mooted first by 10:10Global.org and later adopted by 350.org. This Global Work Party centers on everyone’s cumulative contributions to cut carbon by 10% starting 2010, with definitive goals set towards 350pmm (parts per million) CO2 from the current 392 ppm in the atmosphere.

So come join us on 10.10.10 for this global event of local Actions over a fun-filled local Party to celebrate climate solutions. “Down with CO2!"

Looking up to the Vision

Globally, 10.10.10’s vision emphasizes on both 'work' and 'party' in celebrating the start of the many actions that would reduce CO2 so as to reduce global warming. By acting together around the world, wherever one is, the local actions in your city or community will gather to produce global ripples of change to improve the climate.

Locally, facilitated by Ground-Up Initiative (GUI), “Balik Kampung @ Bottle Tree Park will bring together multiple organizations in a fun filled carnival to share with you the joy of doing (work) while having fun (party) as we make a change. Join us as we drive to achieve these visions:

  1. To promote and educate the people and the public on the importance of reducing CO2 from 392 ppm to 350ppm
  2. To create actions, locally, that reduces CO2 emissions from your lifestyle
  3. To have fun and party as we celebrate your efforts in making a difference for the climate